Friday, May 27, 2016

Loosing Teeth

Jude was so thrilled on Wednesday evening when his FIRST tooth fell out. He thought it was just the coolest thing to ever happen. He put it in a jar and brought it to school the next day. Faustina was coaching him the whole time as he yanked it out - she is the expert having now lost 6 teeth. Jude's face is vastly improved from February when he developed Bell's Palsy from an awful earache he had. After an MRI, being tested for Lyme's Disease and going to the ENT and physical therapist, everything looked fine from tests and we hoped it was just a matter of time. And it was. His face is still not 100% back to normal, but we are confident it will get there!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Time outside

It really has been beautiful the last couple days. Even a bit hot - but, no one is complaining! I've been spending quite a bit of time in the garden. Gardening is addicting. I am learning more each year, each season and getting a bit more bold with what I want to do. Very fun. Especially with my helpers.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Faustina's First Communion!

On May 14th, Faustina received her First Holy Communion. It was a beautiful mass and I must say, Faustina was stunning in her dress. Mike bought her a book about St. Therese and Faustina said a 40 day novena leading up to her big day. Afterwards, we came back to the house to celebrate with Uncle Travis, Faustina's godmother and her cousins. Jude was very sweet; he looked and me and gently put his hand on my arm and said, "Mom, this is the best day ever! I can't wait until I can get my First Communion."