Friday, September 17, 2010

New mode of transportation

Biking. Yesterday I checked to see exactly what Faustina was up to, and she was biking! Yes, she has sat on a bike before and Dad has casually shown her what to do. But she never showed interested before or spent time trying to do it. All of a sudden yesterday she was biking as if she's been doing it all summer long. Crazy! The theme seems to be that when she makes up her mind to do something - she does it.

I am continually amazed at what this child seems to do at a young age. A few months past 2 years old and she is fully potty trained, she usually dresses herself, puts on her own shoes, she trys to take care of Jude (!) and the list goes on. It is fascinating to see how she operates. She observes everything and wants to try everything herself. Often while I am cooking dinner I will be holding her most the time because she simply insists on seeing everything.

A few days ago we were downstairs and Faustina told us to stay downstairs - she was going to get a drink of water upstairs. Immediately a parent says : Uh-Oh. Well, I listened to see what she would do. She pulled a high chair up to the door of the fridge, opened it, she turned the water spout to our water jug, filled her cup. She shut the water spout, the fridge door, got down and carried her glass of water downstairs. It is nice to have her more self sufficient as Jude enters the 'getting-into-everything" stage. Time keeps marching on as these kids get older and I, as a parent, keep thinking they are my little babies! Well, they still actually are, thankfully. :)

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