Monday, October 10, 2011

In cahoots

These two.....are trouble! At least today that was the case. Do you see them laughing at me, with that gleam in their eyes?

Today I felt like the stepmother in the movie Parent Trap that the twin girls were so cruel to. These are a few of the things I encountered today when I was away from Faustina and Jude for under 5 minutes. The clue was when they are too quiet.

- coming downstairs to find a case of sprite cans having been thrown into our washing machine - which meant they climbed up to get the sprite. Luckily I caught them before they turned it on!

- Going into the bathroom to find both of them standing barefoot in our bathroom sink squeezing huge globs of toothpaste onto random tooth brushes and eating it! Jude, over course, with soaked pants from turning the faucet on.

- Faustina having brought a bag of apples outside to the front boulevard and both Faustina and Jude were chucking apples into the street and laughing hysterically

- going into our bedroom to find Jude standing on my dresser with a screw driver trying to screw a nail into the wall

These things all happened before I put them down for rest time around 1pm. During the course of the next 2 hours of rest time Jude soiled himself 3 different times while continuously 'escaping' from his crib - which meant climbing out and then Faustina opening the door of his room for him to get out. I found both of them sitting on Faustina's bed scheming. I probably put Jude back into his crib over 45 times today and half of the time with a spank. This is most certainly a new problem.

I did find myself laughing, however, at the end of the day as I looked out the window at them playing and they made a game of facing each other about 30 feet apart with their arms wide open and then running full speed at each other to give a hug and then falling down on the grass. They did that about 20 times. And at least that was pretty cute instead of naughty. If they are going to drive me crazy some least they get along together as siblings doing it.....I don't know what was in the water today.

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