Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dressed up Jude

 These photos are from the last couple months. Jude has been enjoying his dress up outfits that came from my SIL. Thank you, Auntie! Jude is in a fun stage right now. The first half of being three years old, he was going through a pouty stage, which still does come out from time to time. But, in general, he is growing up and he provides ample entertainment daily for me and the whole family. Jude potty trained himself, basically, before he was 2 years old. He, again, pleasantly surprised us and has not used diapers for the last couple months during nighttime. Nice work, Jude! Jude is going to his Good Shepard classes this year with Faustina. It is fun to see their relationship continue to develop. They really are best friends. In the car this morning, Faustina showed him a picture she drew and he said with great enthusiasm and a wide mouth, "Wow, Dina! That is beautiful! Good job!". We'll have to get him into some sports this summer - his favorite past time by far is throwing things, playing with any kind of ball and kicking things. Yesterday, I had to carry him away from an open gym kicking and screaming because he wanted to keep playing ball!
Jude informed me that he was like the dragon in Peasant Pig and the Terrible Dragon - his favorite Richard Scarry book.

Jude posing as 'the strongest' fireman. He held this pose for several minutes waiting for the camera to turn on since he wanted his picture taken.

Jude has become quite the helper over the last couple months. He loves putting dishes away from the dishwasher, setting the table. Here he is helping me make manicotti. I have to work harder to help him to clean up...

Jude informed me that Wallace is his police watch dog. For the past 6 months, Wallace has been sleeping in bed with Jude. Jude asks for him, and when we hear Jude giggling at night, it is from him tickling/playing with Wallace.

He walked up and down the street like this for about 15 minutes in the outfit blowing his whistle. He had to keep watch, he insisted.

A par for the course Jude face. I looked at him in the car yesterday and he was making faces at himself in the window for about 5 minutes. Sometimes Mike and I will look over at him at the dinner table and he is just staring at us with goofy faces waiting for us to look at him. Not sure where this guy came from!

Jude usually requests to have a picture of himself with Faustina, these days.
Here is my boy as we are headed off to mass this morning for Ash Wednesday. A handsome fellow he is, I think. He was especially excited about this sweater because it is brand new - a rarity around here! He got to take the tags off and everything. Another gift from Auntie!
On another note, Ash Wednesday is here and we start the Lenten journey toward Easter. Since last week, Mike and I have been getting up and having our prayer time in the mornings and the extra grace which that brings throughout the day is tangible. I hope we can keep it going! Easter will be here soon, and soon after that, we'll have our new little babe here with us!

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