Tuesday, January 27, 2009

10 weeks and trying not to count...

This little bean in me is at 10 weeks and I have only 30 left to go...yikes, that sounds like a lot! I hate to wish these days away, but I just want to feel normal again. I want to love being pregnant with every fiber of my being, but I feel absolutely lousy. This feeling of nausea is the worst. I have often pat myself on the back for my ability to endure physical pain. Sports ingrained this in me: hard soccer practices, work-outs in the cold, long runs, basketball killers. Bring it on - in fact, I thrive on it! This morning sickness, however, is something I cannot handle. I would rather go through labor 7 times a week than deal with morning sickness.

I must say, I am incredibly blessed to not be as sick as I was with Faustina. During the first 20 weeks with Faustina I was throwing up and I looked like death rolled over. My face, which usually has color, was gray and almost green. At school one day last year, a male colleague came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder saying, "You look terrible! I wish I could tell you it will get better, but it might not". First of all, I thought "Thanks!" for the boost of confidence about my appearance, and then I thought: "great - I could have a whole pregnancy of this morning sickness."

Food is an essential problem. No food sounds appealing, and I don't even want to eat or think about eating. But I need to eat, often, or else I get sick. A terrible cycle. This situation is not ideal for my wonderful husband because this means either we don't have any food to eat, he cooks, or we eat out (which has been happening way too much lately)!

Mike, as always, is wonderful. He's helpful and understanding. Also, my dear parents spoil us. Mom comes over almost at the drop of a hat. She came over this morning for an hour and brought 3 different kinds of soup for me and watched Faustina and Isaac. I was able to rest. Faustina and I are currently struck with terrible colds and sore throats - no fun.

But this harder time too shall pass. I find myself looking at Faustina and thinking - God is SO good, what a gift! And we have another little gift on the way. Genesis says women will have labor pains, morning sickness must be an unwritten part of the deal. Hopefully, the second half of being pregnant is easier as it was with Faustina!

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