Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A quiet, unique time

In the past few months I have often found myself sitting back and thinking, "Wow, I am SO lucky to be able to stay home with Faustina! I have the best 'job' in the world!" And then another thought immediately follows with a bit of guilt, "Am I doing enough? What else would the Lord have me do?" I enjoy perusing other mothers' blogs; many of these mothers are devout Christians with families, some have jobs, a full plate and they just are always busy and so productive! I am inspired and in awe of all that these women do. I try to keep our small house organized and somewhat clean and even this is a difficult task for me at times!

Over the past few months, I know the Lord has been telling me to simply enjoy this time when the kids (I'm also caring for another little one) are young. My job is to love them up, satisfy their needs, and to absorb this special time of having babies around and acknowledging that I DO have more quiet time around the house and to enjoy that!The kids will get older, life will get busier, discipline and training will need to start, kids will have school, God willing Faustina will have siblings, and there never will be a time again quite like this. There are times when Mike and I can literally sit around for hours and just enjoy each others' company and hang out with Faustina. What a blessing!

The Lord has also put it on my heart to spend more time in prayer since I do have a great deal of quiet time during the day. And that truly is 'doing' something. Praying for people, saying the rosary, reading about the saints, learning new prayers to memorize, reading the Bible, listening to spiritual talks; these are all activities that people often say they just don't have time for in their busy lives. Well, staying at home with a 7 month old gives me time to do those things. People need prayer; I and my family need to be strengthened in the Lord to prepare us to do his will. I pray that even when life is more busy I still have grace to make this a daily priority!

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