Friday, July 23, 2010

Second time is a charm...

And hopefully there is no need for a third time! Wednesday morning Jude had a second surgery on his left kidneys. It was the same procedure that he had done last fall. The doctor said it went well and we'll wait and see how things look in a month or so at his check up.

What else is new with Jude? A lot!!

Our poor little guy who is never (really, it is true!) crabby unless there is something terribly wrong has been writhing in pain as his first little tooth is popping through on the bottom. We are keeping tylenol close at hand! I must admit, I will miss his gum smile. :)

Faustina and I have also begun to call him "Mr. Squirmy" since he is no longer content to be held or stay in the exersaucer; he wants to be crawling and exploring every waking minute. I need to start keeping the floors cleaner now, or else he becomes my human sweeper. Not only is he crawling, but he is now pulling himself up on objects and standing!

And finally, our little dark haired wonder who has always had a full head of hair (the comb over and all) is turning blond. He is actually is very stylish as it looks like he has highlights!

I have said it before, but really, I can't get enough of this little guy - he is so wonderful!

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