Friday, July 30, 2010

Our little girl with a fierce will

As Faustina grows and matures, her will continues to exert itself in big ways. She knows what she wants and she does not rest until she is either satisfied or silenced by her parents. She is persistent, adamant, and she is very aware...of everything .

A few days ago we were driving and as I turned left she starting yelling at me, "No, Mama. Stop! Stop! Go that way. Don't go this way. Go NORTH!" I had a difficult time quieting her and convincing her that I was going in the right direction. She is already a back seat driver.

Yesterday when one of our friends came over, she ran to do the door and she yelled, "Oh, Mama, Aidric is here! I must go see him!" She went out the front door only to return a few seconds to say, "Mama! Come! Now! You must come outside too! Now!" And she was yelling all these order at me.

This morning as I set breakfast in front of her she ate one bit and then said. "Mama, I am done. I will not eat any more." And then when I did not respond she started yelling, "Mama, I will not eat anymore!" And she was jumping up and down. I started laughing because it was such unnecessary behavior and unsolicited. She looked at me with a frown and and then started yelling. "No, Mama! Stop laughing! It is not funny!" Eventually, she started giggling (since I was laughing so much); she does have a sense of humor. :)

All these instances are quite telling to me because she initiates them and often I do little to encourage her stubborn bouts. It is almost as if she is simply trying to express and exert her will so that I know what she wants and I 'obey' her. It is fascinating how a little one's nature surfaces at such a young age.

Since I am reading a novel about St. Catherine of Siena who also had a will of steel, I am confident that the Lord can use this trait of Faustina's for his good!

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