Saturday, November 12, 2011

Paper dolls

In the winter of 2010 I made a 'Paper Dolls' quilt and gave it to one of Faustina's best friends, Belle. I learned a ton making it, it was very fun and I was thrilled with the results! It was the first time I had used the 'free lance' quilting needle and learned how to do my own designs and maneuver the quilt to produce the look I wanted. It is especially fun for kids because it is an interactive quilt. There are 9 dolls on the quilt and then there are clothes that the little girl can put on the dolls to dress them.

I made a second one more recently and Faustina was thoroughly enjoying playing with this quilt. I plan on making more, they are so fun for little girls! There is a pocket on the back to keep the clothes.

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