Friday, March 9, 2012

Pretty in pink

Faustina loves everything pink. She loves clothes. She loves talking about fashion and complimenting other people's fashion. I put on my red shoes yesterday and she said, "Oh, I just love your fancy red shoes, Mom!".

This morning she was asking me questions for almost 20 minutes (that is a long time) about our wedding wondering what my dress looked like, what food was there, what people were there and who was married at our wedding. She asked what Dad wore and she asked where we got married. My goodness she asks hundreds of questions! Too many for my morning mind. She insisted that she is marrying Jude, but she has to wait until he gets up from his nap.

Yesterday a friend let her borrow a pink fluffy 'ball gown dress' which she is loving to pieces. This afternoon someone is taking her to pick out an Easter dress and she is being extra good in order to keep that privilege. She is dancing around the house in this pink dress... and I'm not looking forward to giving it back to its owner.

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