Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mr. Lashes

Benedict is approaching 9 months and he is very very active. He is getting into everything, crawling like a madman all over the place. He is pulling himself up on things and wanting to climb stairs. Yes, this is the age when I start fishing things out of his mouth because everything goes in it! Of course, I am the prejudice parent, but he just about the cutest little guy. The number one thing that people comment about him is, "Look at those long lashes!". We like him.
Lately, He likes clapping a lot. In this picture you can kind of see his eyes are tending to a darker hazel/green! The other 2 kids have blue. Benedict's eye color must have come from the Serge side? Wherever they came from, I love them.

Yes, his hair does seem to have a reddish tint to it, as well!

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