Friday, January 10, 2014

Our Pious 4 Year Old

Jude is at a precious stage of being very very interested in God, Church, and the sacraments. He goes to the Cathedral every Wednesday for Catechesis of The Good Shepard where he learns about his Catholic faith (and he is so lucky to be with his Auntie and 2 cousins there!). The last 4 or 5 months, he regularly sings song (that he made up) about God and Mary. He even uses his theology on Benedict saying "Dici, you shouldn't do that, God wouldn't like that!". He said that in the car yesterday as Benedict was screaming "No!" at the top of his lungs. He is asking Mike to sit with him and read him stories from a fancy Bible we have sitting on a bookshelf, and then he asks questions about the stories. It is very sweet and endearing. Here are a couple videos of his songs. And here is a picture of him wearing a chasuble (a priestly garment) that I made for him.

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