Sunday, October 25, 2015

My baby bear

This is my baby doll. I sounds like such an old Mom and it sounds so corny. But, it also is so true. Veronica is a good baby. She is so petite and cuddly. She is crawling all over (even though she doesn't roll over very readily!). She is not even close to walking although she turns one year old in a little over a week. She has such a good temperament. The more kids I have, the more I love the infant stage. They are so sweet and easy (my kids are easy babies, thank goodness!). And the infant stage goes fast.

Lately, she has been doing this hilarious snort laughing. Do you see those 4 little BIG teeth!? She must be getting more teeth in too, last night she was unhappy and crying for several hours which is not like her. Pretty soon we'll be celebrating her 1st birthday!

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