Friday, May 1, 2009

Grandma time

Grandma surprised us today and stopped over in the afternoon to help out a bit - it was wonderful! It was especially nice since I was trying to clean up and bake for a baby shower that is here tomorrow.

While Grandma was here the time went by in the snap of a finger. I realized how long each of my days are with having 4 babies to take care of - and none of them can talk! It is one of those instances of having long days but short weeks. Time truly does seem to fly by in the grand scheme of things, but when I look back on a day I realize that I am aware of each minute that is passing. I actually like these kind of days. I know time will change as the kids get older and go through different stages of life. But for now, it fun to just change diapers, feed the babies bottles, comfort unhappy babies, have a lot of time to think and pray and enjoy these little people. They certainly do not stay small for long.

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