Saturday, September 26, 2009

God works in interesting ways...

The following is from my sister Kim's blog. Our mom died right after she turned 10, and she's beginning to reflect upon it (My Mom's father died when she was 9 too... hopefully not a pattern). Incidentally, Gail's death has helped her begin to work through things in a positive way.

As I mentioned in my last blog, the past week has been very overwhelming. I went into detail on one aspect, but not another. Let me start out by saying how thankful I am to have this blog. It’s a way for me to “vent” as some call it, however I prefer the term “express my feelings”. I know it sounds a bit weird, but after I blog I always feel this sense of freedom. Like everything that is bothering me I no longer have to worry about (for a little while) because it’s already been told.

Anyways, to continue what I originally had to write: The wake and funeral for Gail was very moving and brought back many memories for me. For those of you who don’t know what I mean, 6 years ago my own mom passed away of lymphoma cancer. I was ten years old and at this age, it’s a total shock for a kid. You don’t exactly know what to think and therefore I never expressed how I felt- because I didn’t feel anything. However, the last year or so (escaladed this past week) I can’t stop thinking about how much I miss my mom and how much different my life would be if she was around. As a teenager this is especially hard because I’ve just “hit reality” (as some say) of her loss and feel like I have no one to be a “mom” to me. As a girl, our mothers are the ones who comfort you on your first date, take you out shopping or for “mother daughter day”, talk with you when you’re having problems and just plainly help you get through life.

Continue reading her thoughts here.

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