Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Soup anyone?

We are doing a few things for lent this year. One thing we are doing is having soup for every evening meal. I thoroughly enjoy cooking and eating (!), so it is hard to give that up. The idea of having soup each night is that it is easy to make and a simple meal.

Mike is giving up vanilla lattes (even though we acquired a very nice Starbuck's latte maker from family!). I am spending a certain amount of time each day cleaning (one of my weaknesses). We are keeping the temperature lower in the house (truly a constant reminder! )We are going to mass as a family once during the week and saying a rosary. Lent truly is so amazing since it is seemingly so hard for me to give up certain things, but in doing that I am reminded of how much we HAVE!!! I am in want of NOTHING in this life. I should be the happiest person in the world every single second of my existence with all the blessings we have.

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