Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Young wrath

A few months ago I blogged about my Mom's journal that we found. In her perfect handwriting she wrote about everything good, innocent, and how she loved the Lord.

Well, I came across an old journal of mine from when I was 12 years old and it is pretty much the most extreme opposite a person can imagine. Despite its somewhat disturbing content, Mike and I were able to laugh and then shake our heads saying, "What in the WORLD!?!" I would probably be sent to counseling these days.

You can see the several 'hates' in the picture. I was very upset with my parents (actually, I remember it well) when I was in 6th grade because they wouldn't let me hang out with a group of friends at school and do everything they were doing (like going to movies, malls, etc...with boys and girls). In this journal entry I do the following: call them them dorks, idiots, wish they would fall off the empire state building, and wish that bears would eat them. !$%^&@ Then I go on to say that they want me to have no a social life, live with them forever until I am 101 years old and shrivel up and die.

Whoa! You can't say I wasn't creative or passionate. Bet you never envisioned that side of me - I am so sweet, right? :) They say what goes around, comes around. I better look out when our kids hit their teens....My poor parents, how did they every put up with me?

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