Monday, August 16, 2010


Last Thursday, the kids and I were lucky enough to spend time with Uncle Travis as we rode down to Canon Falls to visit Grandpa at Servant Camp. Everyone loves Uncle Travis. He is so easy to talk to, the kids have a special attachment to him, and his dry, creative humor never fails to make a person laugh.

As Faustina was in the back seat telling us about life, directing us where to drive, and trying to take charge of Jude, Travis gave her the nickname L.D. - "The Little Dictator". Uncle Travis went on to give Faustina a history lesson as he strongly encouraged her not to be a dictator. Historically speaking, he explained, dictators do not fair very well. They rule for a short while, but since a dictator does not have 'his people' behind him, they are soon overthrown only to be marked as tyrants by history books.

Perhaps we all can be 'Little Dictators' at times, I am learning it can be quite a prominent characteristic at the age of 2!

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