Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A new side to the State Fair

We all enjoyed going to the fair the first Saturday. We went hungry and we left absolutely stuffed with about 10 different kinds of food including sandwiches, roasted corn, lemonade, gyros, and of course, sweet martha's cookies (which were way too sweet for me this year!). Here is a picture of Jude with his cookies and milk - the classic combo.

Our time was limited due to the kids' ages and how much they can handle. We walked around for a few hours, used our coupon book to get the famous foods and then were out of there around 1pm. Both Jude and Faustina were ready for their naps, as you can see in this picture.

The new side to the fair this year was the fact that I was an employee! This was my Dad's fourth year working in one of the parking lots. He worked with Mom the first two years, Travis last year, and this year I did it. It was a bit grueling as the hours were 6pm-6am and the last few days were the hardest; but, considering I was taking care of kids during the day, it wasn't as bad as I expected. We were basically just security, so the hardest part was staying awake. We had a little t.v. so I watched some of my favorites such as the BBC Pride & Prejudice, The Sounds of Music, The Godfather, and I Love Lucy. I read a lot and was able to work on and finish a few knitting projects. I am probably a bit crazy, but I like to those kind of mundane mindless types of jobs and I was able to get some things done! Here is the sheep sweater I was able to finish for Jude. It should fit him through the winter I hope.

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