Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our bubble gum girl

Faustina had her big spring recital today, and she did a great job! This group of 2-3 year old have come a long way this past year. Faustina was very comfortable standing in front of her audience without dancing her routine during her first performance last December. A few weeks ago on the car ride home, I asked her why she still wasn't always dancing with the group. She promptly responded that she was not suppose to dance, Miss Laura told her to watch. And she is right, her teacher DID tell the girls to watch her in order to imitate her dancing. Faustina was only doing the 'watching' part and not the 'dancing' part. So Mike and I grilled into her head over the last few weeks that she is suppose to watch AND dance. In fact, the whole point of her performance is for people to come and see her dance. Well, it seemed to work - because she did dance for us this time.

Coming to class every Friday for 30 minutes these girls [started to] learn how to be graceful young ladies. They learned to work as a group, follow instructions, they memorized a routine, performed in front of a large group of people and were pretty much as cute as could be. Faustina had her parents, Grandpa Lee and Terry, Grandpa Gary and Jeanne, Uncle Travis, Aunt Kim and Lizzia there to support her in her big debut. Afterward, Grandpa Gary treated us to very nice dinner. We're so proud of you, Faustina - you've got the groove! (Unfortunately, the video quality is poor, but it gives a general idea!)

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