Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Exorcizo te, immunde spiritus, in nomine Patris + et Filii + et Spiritus + Sancti..."

Today we had baby Benedict baptized in the older form of the Latin rite liturgy. The Baptism begins in the narthex (entrance) of the church with an exorcism of unclean spirits. Next, the family processes down the nave of the church chanting the Creed followed by the Our Father. Throughout, the child is exorcized, blessed, anointed with oil, impressed with salt ("salt is the symbol of wisdom which gives a relish for the sweetness of divine nourishment") and finally baptized with water and words of the sign of the cross. Parents and godparents partake in "The Renunciation of Satan" (cf. the scene from Godfather Pt. II!) where they reject Satan and all of his evil works and promises. The baby's white garment (in olden days worn for 8 straight days by the newly baptized) symbolizing the purity of a soul cleansed from all sin. The godparents are given the baptismal candle as a sign to keep the new light of faith burning brightly for the child no matter what the circumstances.

A beautiful and symbolic liturgy administered by Fr. Ubel - our thanks to him. We had an open house with a few family and friends beforehand. Danish ebleskeevers (sp???) were feasted upon by all.

Good times. Deo gratias.

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