Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our new little guy

Little Benedict is 12 days old today! I love these first few days - his cry is still "llaaaalllaaallaa" the infant sound that isn't quite a cry yet. His little hands and fingers move in slow motions as they slowly open and close. His breath just smells fresh and he is still so so little!

I can't get enough of him to cuddle. And he really can't get enough of me - He will barely ever let me put him down! He is so sweet, I don't mind at all. Thankfully I am getting quite a bit of sleep at night as Baby Ben sleeps with me and we are both happy. Last week and this week we have been taking life very easy - in fact, today Faustina ask, "Mom, can we do something today? We never leave the house anymore.". Haha. I assured her that life would return to normal next week.

Faustina is absolutely loving her baby brother - as you can see from the very enthusiastic smile she has in the picture (!). She wants to hold him, comfort him, (she wants to feed him which she can't help with!), put him to sleep and lay by him. She is very proud of both her brothers and fits the bill of the 'eldest' child to a tee. :)

Since Mike and I were both fairly confident that Benedict was going to be a boy, I took a chance and made a cowboy quilt for him earlier in December. I am excited how it turned out and the back is oh so very soft! I copied the general pattern that my Mom had made for Faustina which actually turned out to be Jude's blanket. It was fun to make and put together as I cut out the cowboys and framed them in different colors.

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