Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Better Part

A few years ago, my SIL gave me this book The Better Part as a birthday gift. I had lent it to a friend for awhile, so I have only just been using it during prayer times. It goes carefully through each of the Gospels and for each passage there are four categories to reflect on: Christ the Lord, Christ the Teacher, Christ the friend, and Christ in my Life.

I am going through the Gospel of John and today's passage was on John the Baptism seeing and recognizing Christ for the first time. The catagory "Christ the Friend" is a paragraph written from Jesus' perspective in the first person. I particularly appreciated today's.

"Christ the Friend - John saw "Jesus coming toward him."

Jesus: How much I love to do this. I never force my way into anyone's life, but I come towards everyone. I want to attract their attention because I want their friendship and happiness. I am always taking the first step. Isn't that what happened with you and me? Don't you remember? I caught your attention. Even before that, I had been coming toward you in many ways. It's like when you are in love, and you go out of your way to run into the person you love, just to get a glimpse of them, just hoping that they will stop and talk to you. I love you like that. I even come right up to your heart and knock, hoping you will let me in. I always have more to give you, more to teach you, more for us to do. My love never runs out of words, attention, encouragement, projects - my love never run out, period. Keep welcoming me, keep looking out for me. I am still coming toward you, and I will never stop coming toward you."

I was struck by the power of the message of love in this passage. Reflecting on this passage coupled with the book I am reading by C.S. Lewis "The Four Loves" - it is mind boggling to try to comprehend God's love for us and what that looks like. A good way to start the day.

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