Monday, March 30, 2009

More than a 'Growth Spurt'

In fact, our Saturday evening and Sunday morning turned into a visit to the urgent care and then at 3am in the morning a visit to the emergency room! Our first experience as parents with a sick child.

When Faustina woke up from her nap around 4:30 on Saturday, she definitely was not acting herself; we figured she was just tired. Well, she kept laying on us and she was hot; when we tried to encourage to her play with her toys, she just layed on the floor with her head on a stuffed animal. Her eyes started to look a bit glassy. We took her temperature on our cheap little thermometer which showed she had a fever of 100.5. We called the nurse line and she thought we should take her in. She said we should take her to the ER, but when we arrived at the address she gave us it was an urgent care center.

I must admit, I don't get worried very easily, but Faustina really looked terrible. And it was scary. At urgent care, the nurse took her temperature and I watched as the numbers climbed to show a fever of 104.1! Well, they took a blood sample and her white blood cell count looked fine. And then they told us to 'just keep an eye on her' and they sent us home. This advice was not very satisfactory, but we did head home.

We got home and my Mom thought we should take her in to the ER (which was also Mike's inclination), so I got her ready to go again. Well, this was pretty crazy, but all of a sudden Faustina woke up (I had put her down to bed since it was 10pm) and she was chipper and back to her old self! She was laughing, giggling, smiling which was a huge relief. I talked to my Mom again to let her know we weren't going to the hospital and my Mom told me they had just been praying for Faustina (along with some relatives who were over) right around the time Faustina perked up. I'm sure it was not a coincidence and the Lord heard their prayer!

We all went to bed, but around 3am she still had a fever. We decided to take her in and get her checked out to see if she may have a urinary tract infection. It was a mini little adventure - not necessarily the kind you want to have. But in the end, fortunately everything checked out and Faustina really is fine.

We did learn a bit about what to do for sick little ones if this were to happen in the future. The reason for Faustina's high fever still remains a mystery, but she is back to her normal self which is the most important thing.

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