Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Puppy Dog

Faustina is currently our little puppy dog. She wants to know everything we are doing at any given moment; and I mean everything. 90% of the time Mike and I spend in our very small upstairs. Faustina crawls back and forth, back and forth, back and forth between us to see what we are doing. She crawls really fast to one of us, gets up on her knees and starts half laughing half grunting, then she takes one of our legs and stands up until eventually we pick her up and spoil her with kisses. Then she gets down on her knees, falls forward as she slams her hands on the wood floor and on all fours quickly crawls to the other parent. If we are eating she waits for us to feed her while she hangs on our pants. If I'm cooking she waits until I pick her up to see what I am cooking. If Mike is on the computer, she waits until Mike picks her up to see the computer. This afternoon I watched her for about 10 minutes as she peacefully played in the crib by herself after a nap. She was talking to her teddy bear and she was fascinated with her right had. She examined it and then slowly licked her palm. She then put her left pointer finger on each of her fingers on her right hand. Then she stared at her hand and then she jabbed her right hand up in the air and stared at it up there for awhile. It really was very amusing and clear that she is absorbing all sorts of new information. She really is all fun right now. She is an easy baby, sleeps well, and she is so much fun whenever she is awake. I wish this stage could last for a loooooooonnnnnnnnnggg time. The thing is, I believe her days of walking are soon approaching; today we watched Faustina stand all on her own for about 20 seconds or so just looking up at us!

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