Saturday, April 25, 2009

Captain Faustina

We went for a walk on Thursday night and we found a new version of a 'stroller' for Faustina - I LOVE it. Haha. It is so awesome. So this stroller that Faustina is standing up in is actually a universal stroller frame that you are suppose to put a baby car seat on top of. Mike was genius and simply put Faustina in the bottom pouch area and she can stand up and hold on as we go for a walk. It is pretty hilarious and I am sure people wonder if we realize we are using the stroller incorrectly. But it works great. We went a few miles like this and she just took everything in. I decided to not purchase a nice single stroller because I figured at some point I would want a double one anyway. And that turned out to be true! So we make due with what we have and it always works out. I guess there are 'standing stollers' out there now anyway - we're doing our part to keep up with new designs.

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