Monday, July 6, 2009

Churches around the midwest

During out roadtrip through Michigan, we took to stopping and checking out the churches in the small towns. It is fascinating to see all the different architecture and art. Whenever we were in a small town we had eagle eyes out for a cross or Catholic churches. I'm confident this hobby will continue as we go on more roadtrips. I told Mike he could write a book about churches throughout the U.S. (and he is a talented writer so he really could if he wanted to)! We also stopped at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadelupe in La Crosse WI. This Shrine was quite impressive and we would be excited to go there again. They have a mini little pilgrimage/walk up to the main church with smaller statues and dedications along the way. We also stopped in Indian River, MI where the world's largest crucifix is. And it WAS quite big; the cross for the wood came from a redwood trees in California. There is much history, culture, beauty to be discovered in these churches and shrines.

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