Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A quick 15 months

August is practically here and mentally I feel the need to be prepared for baby number two's arrival. I am excited and have been thinking a lot about what life will soon look like. Actually, I feel like baby number two is already 'here' in a sense because my body is very heavy with him/her and my every action is affected.

Faustina and the new baby will be very close in age - only 15 months apart. We were at a couple's house for dinner last week and they also had their first two children very close in age. They made the comment that we won't even remember life with only Faustina around. It has been such a short time with only Faustina and as time goes on the two kids will just always be together and share so many memories and experiences. In one sense I can completely understand that line of thinking; Faustina was only 6 months old when I found out we were blessed with baby #2.

But then again, it has been so much fun and so special to be able to care for Faustina for the past 15 months that I think I will always remember this past year uniquely. It is SO fun to be a parent for the first time. Everything is new and exciting. We are young and admittedly naive in many regards. The more kids a couple has, obviously more responsibility and time is required; with the first child there is still an element of independence and freedom. There are 2 people to take care of 1 child.

As I reflect on this last year, a LOT has happened! My 'year' always revolves around a school year. My father was a teacher, I have been in school myself for most my life as either a student or a teacher myself, and of course Mike is a teacher. Well, the next school year is starting here pretty soon and this new school year includes a new baby!

Here are a few of the things that have happened in our life this past year with Faustina:

- Faustina was born and I was a stay at home mother (and I absolutely love love love it!)

- I cared for little Isaac and then 2 more little ones as the year went on, Ella and Aidrich

- Mike learned a great deal from his Catholic studies courses at St. Thomas. Many nights he would come home from class (especially in the fall)and reiterate his fascinating classes to me and I learned a lot too! Of course, working at Trinity always stimulates the mind and involves intriguing conversations about education as well.

- This was the first year neither Mike or myself have been involved in either coaching or playing soccer!

- During February we learned that Grandma Lee's cancer was back. This has launched my parents and, in turn, me into a new world of learning about food and health. The Lord is good and he is at work in my mother's life.

- Mike went to Peru for 2 weeks

- Mike moved on from Trinity and he has a new position at St. Agnes

- We took a terrific 10 day trip to Michigan to visit Mike's family and were able to camp with Faustina for the first time

- And then there are all the memories of seeing Faustina grow into the lovely little girl she is. These moments are captured in pictures, but perhaps more vivid in Mike and my minds!

Mike and I were asked to be on a 'panel' at an engagement retreat this past weekend. And it was fun to reflect on where we were three years ago as we prepared for marriage and then to think of where we are now. Marriage is so wonderful - I love it! And having kids is....well, it is hard to capture in words and is really just something one has to experience because it is such an incredible blessing from the Lord!

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