Thursday, November 12, 2009

Deo Gratias

This morning Mike, Jude, Grandpa Lee and I were up long before the break of dawn, at about 4:30am! This morning Jude had his surgery which meant we had to leave the house at 5:30am to be at the hospital by 6am.

Everything went very very well. Jude was as good as gold the whole time. I was a bit nervous because he had to go from 1:30am-8:30am without any food. But, thank goodness, he was peaceful the whole morning and even smiling! Jude and I were home around 11am and he has been sleeping for most the morning. We will have an ultrasound in a month to see how his kidneys are functioning. We continue to pray that we do not have to have the more major surgery to remove the upper left part of his kidney; we are hoping that his system corrects itself as he grows and matures.

While Mike and I took care of Jude at the hospital we ran into other parents with their children who were having surgery. One little boy was about 6 years old in his pajamas. He had a brain tumor and was having a long surgery today which was quite serious. Another little girl who was a few months old had an extra finger they were removing. Seeing these sweet kids made me take a step back and thank the Lord for all the good health in our family.

Yesterday the daily gospel reading was from Luke 17:11-19 about how Jesus healed 10 lepers and only 1 of those men came back to thank him. Reflecting on that passage, it truly is wonderful to behold how good God is to us! Really, there is never any reason for me to be crabby or ungrateful because I am so incredibly blessed with family, friends, gifts, talents, financial stability, the list goes on....forever, basically. Even when life is hard, even in losing my Mom - God always provides strength and whatever it is that I need. And for that I need to be constantly thanking God and living life with a cheerful and joyful heart. I thank you God, especially today, for our good health and blessing Jude on this day of his surgery.

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