Thursday, November 12, 2009

Faustina's new stage

What is Faustina up to these days? The better question is: What isn't Faustina up to these days. She is learning something new every hour. She loves books, she loves imitating Mom and Dad in any task at hand, she is playing with toys in a very purposeful manner by herself and she is playing with other kids, she is saying more and communicating more maturely. She likes to sing in the car and she plays by herself in her crib with no toys except her teddy to tackle and talk to. She is our little girl now! Her personality continues to emerge and we get to know her better each day. She is very entertaining, and she certainly is a smart little one. We like her and are so glad she is our oldest child who I am confident will help shepard her siblings into their childhood and adolescence!

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