Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Day!

It has actually been a snow weekend. But here in MN, no school year is complete without one 'snow day'! And we got it today.

We are still snowed in here on Morgan Ave. and who knows when the St. Paul city plow will come and rescue us. It has been a fun, relaxing weekend. Actually, I like MN blizzard weather when you are stuck in your house. It means movie time, cocoa, hanging out with family to the point that things can get a bit goofy with toddlers. They are funny little people.

I did venture out Saturday morning. I shoveled a foot of snow (and then Mike did the rest of it at night, crazy!) I was loving my mukluk boots so much I decided to go for about a mile walk down by the river. It was actually very enjoyable and very peaceful, but as I was walking home against the wind, it DID feel like a blizzard. I pulled a Rocky Balboa when he is in Russia training for his fight - I started running in the middle of the street with the wind beating me in the face in order to get home a bit quicker! A few things I noticed on my walk (you have got to love MN winter culture):

- In the mile walk I saw only 4 cars on the street (weather like this you definitely use your garage!!)
- All four of the cars I saw had their windshield wipers up in anticipation of the snow
- People were snowblowing their sidewalks with full body apparel, full face masks and all so that all you could see was eyeballs. The men were either dressed in orange or hunting green camouflage outfits
- I saw the most beautiful blue jay down by the river that owned Mississippi Blvd. He was gorgeous and he was very lively!
- A van was stuck in the driveway and people were digging themselves out
- A man was snowblowing apartment sidewalks by the river and snowblower died, he was not happy since he was pretty far away from the garage
- there were drifts so high at some point that the snow came up to my waist (no exaggeration!)
- Mark Dayton lawn signs that were covered so that you couldn't even see the name anymore

People snowed in, the metrodome collapsing, you never know what MN winters will bring!

I was remembering the Halloween storm when we got 30 inches and we spent most of that day delivering the newspaper! We did delivered it - what were we thinking?! I was 11 years old and the snow came up to my chest as I trudged through the snow with newspapers. Glad I don't have to every think about delivering a newspaper in my life again! :)

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