Sunday, January 17, 2010

Close ties, hard and joyful times

Six years ago, I spent a year in Seattle in the Jesuit Volunteer Corp (JVC). It was a year filled with much learning and forming of different relationships. It, actually, was probably a 5th year of college without the homework....! :) I lived in a house with five women and we had no real responsibilities except our jobs serving those less fortunate than us. And, it certainly was a very different world we stepped into as we served. I am especially thinking about this year I had in Seattle as I read Dorothy Day. It was frustrating to leave that year feeling that I had accomplished nothing and had no affect on the people I served at The Wintonia (a low-income housing complex). I had befriended the residents there, but that was about it. Dorothy Day says the only thing we can really do for the poor is love them, we can't change them and shouldn't necessarily try to. I can see the truth in this, but somehow it is still hard to be okay with feeling useless.

Although each of us girls from JVC have gone our own direction and we live far away from each other (Seattle, Philly, MN, WI), we continue to be able to support each other in our walks. In the past six months, among the five of us there have been 3 weddings, 2 parents of us have died and a third parent may only have a few weeks left.

Just yesterday, Bridget had her Mother's funeral in Philly. Meg was married in Milwaukee; she actually moved the wedding up 5 months so that her Dad could attend since he has aggressive cancer. Unfortunately, he had to go into the hospital last week and he was unable to be there. Maria, from Seattle, was able to be at Meg's wedding (the only non-family member since it was a quick change in wedding plans). Bridget flew in for one day just to be here for my Mother's funeral. And Maria flew down to Flordia to be with Bridget while her Mother died. I am thankful for this circle of support we have.

I especially lift up Jim Hoffman, Meg's father, in prayer as he currently battles cancer. Lord God, please be with Jim and his family and pour out on them your grace. Amen.

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