Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mother - daughter moment

I've probably mentioned it before, but I've always considered myself a bit of a tomboy. My poor Mother when I was growing up - I never liked to wear dresses, I wanted to play sports and be outside, etc, and the list goes on.

When Faustina was born, I was actually a bit worried, "What will I do with a girl??!". I always relied on my girlfriends to help me any 'girly' stuff. I never had any sisters; and, actually, my Mom was quite 'natural' as she never work make-up or much jewelry.

Well, I was caught by surprise on Friday when Faustina came up to me and said, "Do my hair, mama."(she had seen me blow drying mine). I was almost shocked to feel the emotion of excitement at the thought of dolling my little girl up. It was one of those parent moments when your heart swells up with pride and love for your little one.

We sat down on the bed and looked into the mirror. And she actually sat still and watched intently. I was instantly brought back to my own childhood when my Mom would put french braids in my hair while I sat at my little 'beauty dresser' in my room. Unfailingly, every time she would recite
the poem:

"There once was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid!"

And I really believe she meant this poem when she said it! :)

I love having a girl as our oldest child - God certainly knew what he was doing when he gave us Faustina.

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