Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One more surgery

We had Jude's 5 month check up on Monday to see how his kidneys are functioning. There was good news and bad news. The good news is his kidneys are doing fine and there is very little reflux (when urine kicks back up into his system). The bad news is that Jude needs to have the same surgery he had 5 months ago. The doctor punctured a hole in a flab of skin that was not allowing urine to flow out; this hole, unfortunately, healed up. It is a fairly minor surgery, but it is, nevertheless, a bummer that Jude has to go through it again. The surgery is scheduled for July 21st. Hopefully, this takes care of the problem; if this one does not take, we'll have to do a much more invasive surgery involved removing a good portion of his upper left kidney. St. Jude, pray for us.

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