Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This time - it ALL came off [UPDATED]

Faustina takes a sort of 'quiet time' in the mornings now. She doesn't sleep, but usually plays in her crib. Today she kept saying, 'Mama' over and over. So I went in there and she was smiling and said 'Potty!'.

Oh no. I looked and she had unbuttoned the one button, unzipped and wiggled her way out of her pajamas. And then, of course, taken her diaper off. She peed in her crib - but at least that is all! She has done this several times before, but she has never stripped everything off.

I took her out and she pointed to the bathroom (and actually said 'bathroom'). She sat on her potty and laughed for a few minutes.

Could the potty training be starting? At 17 months? They say girls are potty trained earlier, but this seems really early. We're open to it, but I'm not going to hold my breath!


Faustina actually DID go pee in her potty twice this morning. No accidents (yet). I am letting her run around naked (as one method of potty training) and I asked her if she had to go potty. She said 'Yep!'. So we went to the bathroom and she DID it and wiped herself. This is quite exciting....we'll see where it goes from here!

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