Monday, October 19, 2009

Worth a thousand words

They say a smile is worth a thousand words; well, this guy doesn't have any words yet, but he is smiling all the time these days! Since we think he is just the cutest, Mom and Dad are being the ridiculous 'ga-ga go-go' parents to get smiles out of him while Faustina does her 'tickletickletickle' routine on his feet.

On different note, Jude went in for another doctor appointment this morning. He has a 'duplicative collective system' which means that he has TWO ureters (tubes) emptying urine from his kidneys to his bladder. On the left side, one of the ureters is blocked by piece of skin which causes reflux and blockage. To make a long story short, he will have to have surgery to remove this piece of skin. There are several more appointments to figure out exactly how serious it is (whether it is destructive to the upper part of the kidney), but it appears that as long as we are proactive in correcting the problem, Jude will be fine. I must admit, my stomach drops when I think about my little man having surgery. We pray for wise doctors and that any procedures go smoothly.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What a cutey! Made me smile :)